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Ken has at least screwed his head on tightly for this one! |
As employees are increasingly working from home during COVID-19, online meeting apps, such as Zoom, are being used more frequently than before. Well, these two academics (one from Michigan State University and one from the University of Colorado, Denver) are worried that the use of these online meeting platforms is "a ripe setting for unconscious bias.” Why? Because someone, they say, might put their wedding photo—of a man and a woman—as their virtual background and “unintentionally reinforce the idea that marriage is most fitting between opposite sexes.” (Actually, the only true marriage is one between a man and a woman! See Genesis 1:27, 2:24, and Matthew 19:4–5).
What if someone put up a
“wedding” photo of a gay “ceremony”? Would that be ok? Wouldn’t that be a
“microagression” against those who reject gay “marriage”?
And what would they call it if an
employee had a Bible or a picture with a Scripture verse on it in their
background? No doubt a macroaggression!
Yes Ken, if your facts are right*, then you have a point! So, in just being ourselves we can be accused of microaggression! This meddling hegemony in people's lives is born of a paranoid line of thinking and reminiscent of the fears that drive the nastiest apocalyptic imaginings of many a fundamentalist - so often with the latter I can only meet their florid accusations of malign motive with the utmost surprise of "However did they manage to work that conclusion out?". In fact I've also had that sort of thing from the people of whom Ken is complaining: e.g. I've been accused of exercising "white male privilege"! But unlike Ken I would see this as less to do with a plot to consciously oppress Christians rather than with a world view haunted and stalked by fear. Fear provides fertile ground for conspiracy theorism. Fear provides fertile ground for hatred. When allied to tribalism fear provides fertile ground for strife.
* Beware of Ken's handling of the facts. See here:
and here: