Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Suckered by Trump's Soft-Soaping

Trump and some of his Evangelical enablers.

In the following post Ken Ham runs a video of his where he criticizes Donald Trump's concept of Christianity.....

I probably agree with Ken's criticisms, but I don't want to focus on his comments in this post. For a start it is no surprise to me that Trump hasn't grasped the heart of Christianity, and it ought to be no surprise to Ken and his followers: Understanding and responding to the Christian message is predicated on a revelation of one's own powerlessness in the face of the temptations of sin and pride - the two words with the "i" in the middle. But self-centeredness, bordering on narcissism is so extreme in Trump's case and so much part of his identity that we find him constantly lying, bragging, praising himself and engaging in the character assassination of his political opponents & those who don't show him the loyalty he thinks he deserves. Therefore, you'd really know about it if Trump truly grasped the meaning of Christianity and had a real change of heart. But nevertheless, Trump is still an expert at soft-soaping American evangelicals by telling them what they want to hear. Trump-tripe is too often swallowed hook, line and sinker among gullible North American evangelicals & conspiracy theorists: See here for example:

Views, News and Pews: Trump Soft Soaps American Evangelicals (

Criticizing Trump with his planet sized ego for his flawed concept of Christianity is no big deal and is as easy as shooting fish in a barrel. But as always seems to be the case with Trump's evangelical enablers they skirt round the herd of ravenous T-Rexes in the room. This is what Ken says in his post....

Well, the video I’m going to share below, which was recorded on the final evening of our 40 Days and 40 Nights of Christian Music Festival, held at the Ark Encounter, isn’t about whom to vote for in the election. There are only two realistic options, and Christians need to vote to minimize evil and maximize righteousness. We won’t be voting for a perfect person, but we need to judge the worldview of all such public figures against the authority of God’s Word, pray for them, and vote accordingly. That’s my view on the upcoming election.

This affected attempt to appear non-political won't do Ken. Well yes, it's a human being you are voting for so trivially, almost by definition, you won't be voting for a perfect person! What you should be addressing Ken are those T(rump)-Rexes in the room I talked about in my last post where we see that policy is being trumped by personality; Trump's world view is summed in one word: "Trump!". As is quite clear to me and many others this election isn't political business as usual and is ultimately about saving democracy from far-right dictators-in-waiting, like for example Putin sympathizer and Trump supporter Steve Bannon; so, we know who Mr. V. Putin, tyrant of Russia, favours in this election.  But Ken, we can also make a pretty good guess who you are voting for: The fact is Donald Trump's self-centered world view suits your down to the ground because as we have seen in my last post, Trump, as is his wont, is telling North American evangelicals about the kind of world view they like to hear of: Namely, that a Trump regime will look after their ministry & business interests. But Ken old son, don't be surprised if His Trumpness changes His mind on that matter at His pleasure.

It's worth comparing Ken's criticism of Trump with the spiritually vicious attacks he's launched on Christians who don't believe his Genesis literalisms and therefore implicitly threaten Ken's AiG based business interests. Ken can criticize Trump's very obvious misunderstanding of the gospel as much as he likes but the fact is clear that Ken, like so many other North American evangelicals, has been suckered by Trump's expert soft-soaping. 

Sunday, September 08, 2024

Trump Enablers

In this post I will be looking at the following two North American right-wing Christian figures who have been ingested into Trump political culture and are significant instruments of Trumpism....

1) Ken Ham, supremo of the fundamentalist
Answers in Genesis
Young Earth theme park

 2) Michael Brown of The Line of Fire ministry

Ken and Micheal have been coy about openly encouraging votes for Trump in their rather disingenuous attempt to appear non-political, but as the US election day approaches it is now clear where their political allegiances lie....

In a previous post I concluded that a fundamentalist figure like Ken Ham would very likely be voting for D J Trump; not only that he has given his implicit support to the QAnon movement. Further, recent evidence that Ken is a not-so-covert Trump supporter comes from this post of his:

Add to this the fact that Ken has never, as far as I'm aware, posted an article with a heading like What Christians must know about Donald Trump warning us about Trump's very obvious amorality, then I think we can put 2 and 2 together. The nearest Ken comes to criticizing Trump is on Trump wanting to allow abortion up to 15 weeks (See above post by Ken). But even with this (and I myself disapprove of abortion) Ken won't tell us about the elephant in the room: D J Trump is about policy only if it suits his purpose of getting into power. Trump is therefore ambivalent about abortion because he's primarily looking for votes. With Trump, policy is second to his ulterior policy; namely, Trump-power. To this end he will lie, lie and lie again.  Even worse is that Trump is but a frontman and showman to those even more dangerous operators than Trump (such as Putin supporter Steve Bannon) who are waiting in the wings for Trump to get into power, destroy the America democratic constitution thus giving them a stake in an unholy scramble to the top of an unaccountable power pyramid absent of democratic checks and balances.  Why isn't Ken telling us all about this? Because his organization depends on Trump & QAnon supporters. 


Now, Micheal Brown, unlike Ken Ham, has always come over to me as a nice reasonable person and I've always liked his tone. Moreover, he seems to have his eyes open about Trump-evil.  But he too, like Ken, has been pulled into the orbit of Trump influence and power; Michael's ministry support base is, like Ken's, very dependent on the MAGA cult. Micheal therefore has a vested interest in not alienating the MAGA movement. So, after months if not years of equivocating on Trump-power he has at last come out in favour of voting for Trump (as I expected). The evidence of this open declaration of Trump support is clear from the quotes below which I have taken from this post of his:

Can a Vote for Trump Be Morally Justified? | Articles | The Line of Fire | Your voice for Moral Sanity and Spiritual Clarity | The Line of Fire

In the following quotes the emphases are mine....

We cannot possibly vote for Kamala Harris for a host of reasons. But can we, in good conscience, vote for Donald Trump?

In short, the battle we are fighting is an existential one, with our most fundamental liberties under attack. And, many of us reason, Donald Trump, with all his shortcomings, is the best man for the job.

As Tucker Carlson [Another corrupt party - Ed] said in December 2019,

“If you're wondering why so many Christians have been willing to support this president despite his personal life, this is why: It's because whatever his flaws, he's made it clear that he's not the enemy of Christians.

Many a Trump supporter would say, “Precisely so!”

But can we really look to Trump to fight for the things that are important for us? On Friday, August 23, he posted on Truth Social that if he is reelected, his “administration will be great for women and their reproductive rights.” What?! Here is an allegedly pro-life candidate using the misleading rhetoric of the pro-abortion camp (speaking of “reproductive rights” rather than the so-called right to abortion) and promising this “right” to women.

Talk about a deep betrayal of our values, also reflected in the GOP’s gutted 2024 platform, where the pro-life plank is virtually gone and all opposition to same-sex “marriage” has completely disappeared.

How, then, can Christian conservatives justify their vote for Trump?

Many would still argue that, despite his caving in on some of the issues most important to us and despite his many glaring character weaknesses, he will still do a better job on the economy, on securing our borders, on standing with Israel, on standing up to our international enemies.

Why, then, vote for Trump?

When pressed further on this issue, the answer would sound something like this: “We still believe that character counts and morality matters, but things have become so extreme in America that we have to elect a streetfighter, someone who stands up for our cause – not just for our good, but for the good of the generations to come.”

And so, overall, balancing out the pros and the cons, Trump is the better choice.

And if we do choose to vote for him, a choice that the vast majority of Christian conservatives will make, we must remember to keep our focus on Jesus and the gospel and to be sure that, to the extent Trump’s character deficiencies are a negative example, we distance ourselves from those deficiencies while setting the bar high in our lives and conduct.

We can vote for him without becoming like him.


We can see from the above that Michael is encouraging a Trump vote, but he has completely lost the plot and has ignored the herd of T-Rex's in the room....

Why is Micheal voting Trump? He's clear about Trump's moral failings and yet still recommends a Trump vote. So, is it Trump's policies he's voting for? Well, if that's so it can't be because of Trump's abortion and same-sex marriage policies; after all, Micheal accuses Trump of a deep betrayal on these issues. I once might have thought that these two issues were sacred to people like Micheal and that they would never compromise on them by voting for a candidate like Trump. In fact, both Ken and Micheal have repeatedly written articles stating these values as the main reason for not voting Democrat. So now it seems that both Ken and Micheal have compromised on these Trump policies. So why are they still voting Trump?

Micheal lets slip the real reason why he wants Trump:  As we can see from the quotes above Micheal believes Trump to be a streetfighter who is on the side of Christians like himself and will therefore fight a dirty fight for their ministries, implement right-wing agendas around immigration and oppose China (but I suspect not oppose Putin's Orthodox Russia which Trump and Steve Bannon admire). 

As long as Trump defends their ministries, they are prepared to pay the price of ignoring that herd of T-Rexs, of which both Ken and Michael say nothing......Nothing about those dubious stolen election stories. Nothing about the QAnon fantasy. Nothing about Trump's extreme supporters like Marjorie Taylor-Green, Steve Bannon, Laura Loomer, and white supremacists like Nick Fuentes. Nothing about Trump's lying accusations and conspiracy theory promotion. Nothing about those implausible accusations of Kamala being a communist. Nothing about Trump being a big step toward a corrupt criminal authoritarian autocracy where cleverer would-be-dictators are waiting in the wings for a Trump victory. Nothing about the trouble that the AR15 armed Trump militia are likely to cause if Trump isn't elected. Nothing about those rumors of civil war. Nothing about Trump's relationship with aspiring plutocrat, oligarch & naive crony capitalist Elon Musk. Nothing about the rampant conspiracy theorism of the Trump supporting far right. Nothing about signs that Trump will imprison political opponents. Nothing about those bogus "deep state" stories which prepare the naive mentality for the great fascist-like simplifications of top-down autocracy. Nothing about 1 Samuel 8:7-18 with its clear warning on the effects of the absolute rule of Godfathers.....and the list goes on and on....

Micheal of course might claim that all these stories are mischief making by a Democratic party who themselves are trying to criminally undermine democracy. But if that is true, why isn't he making this a good reason to vote Trump? That's because he can't afford to draw attention to this subject as it would take his support base dangerously close to the truth: After all, 2024 is far from a normal US election: It's not a case of democratically electing a right-wing but principled figure like a Ronald Reagan or a George Bush or a Margret Thatcher. There have been no hints in previous US elections about charging and imprisoning political opponents. Such talk has only surfaced since Trump appeared on the scene. All this and with armed Trump supporters at the ready if the electoral system doesn't go their way it is clear that this is a dysfunctional election. But Ham and Brown have a vested interest in not drawing attention to this dysfunctionality because that would be too telling. 

For Ken and Micheal, it's really all about keeping their Trump voting support base sweet and ensuring the survival of their ministries; they simply can't afford to alienate their supporter base. Ken Ham isn't the nicest of persons (See also here) and his authoritarianism readily comes to the surface and this chimes with the sentiments of the far-right. Micheal, however, is of different stuff; he can sense the conflict, but in the end he's captive to the Trump tribe. Both have sold out to the gross evils of Trumpism in order to preserve their ministries.

In this post of mine are some thoughts as to the reason why we are at a juncture where North American Evangelicals have sold out to a corrupt movement. In that post I quoted one commentator who had studied the subject, and this is what he said regarding the 2016 election:

 It was this that led 81% of white evangelicals voting for Trump....It was a marriage of convenience in which Trump promised everything on the evangelical agenda.....Evangelicals reciprocated with intense support for a man whose personal and political morality  - which many feel is at odds with Christianity - was set aside in order to win what they perceived as a battle for the soul of America.  

But things have moved on even further: Trump, with his eye on power rather than policy, is no longer promising abortion laws and laws on gay marriage that were on the evangelical agenda. But it's too late for Micheal, Ken and many an evangelical. They are irreversibly trapped in the MAGA cult and Trumpite evangelicalism.


1. Threats of imprisonment

Liberals go into meltdown after Trump vows to jail political enemies (

2. The Political Pied Piper

Views, News and Pews: Trumptruth News: The Political Pied Piper of far-right Christianity (

3. Ken's rule driven morality

Views, News and Pews: The dangers of rule driven morality. (

4. History of right-wing evangelicalism

Views, News and Pews: Origins of the US Evangelical Right (

5. Panda's Thumb's view

Tax-exempt AIG attacks Presidential candidate, may be reported to IRS (

6. Persecution of Gays

X refuses to take down post falsely accusing Rev Richard Coles of being a paedophile (

7. Scientific American endorses Kamala

Scientific American makes presidential endorsement for only the second time in its 179-year history (

Quotes worth noting: Trump peddles lies and conspiracy theories....

“The US faces two futures,” the editors wrote, pushing one candidate who “offers the country better prospects, relying on science, solid evidence and the willingness to learn from experience.”

They continued: “In the other future, the new president endangers public health and safety and rejects evidence, preferring instead nonsensical conspiracy fantasies.”

The article highlights Trump’s baseless claim during the debate that some states allow a person to obtain an abortion in the ninth month of pregnancy, and calling it “execution after birth.”

“No state allows this,” Scientific American clarified. The magazine also emphasized that Trump refused to answer whether he would veto a national abortion ban.

8. Kamala falsely accused of being a communist

Why 'Comrade Kamala' memes are taking off among Latino exiles - BBC News

This reminds me of the right-wingers who accuse even the conservative party of being "socialists"!

9. Well done Mike Pence!

Mike Pence takes swipe at Trump in sign of a political comeback (

Brave man! Trump will no doubt find Mike's lack of loyalty disturbing. If there's a Trumpite dictatorship Mike may well find himself in jail. I'd have voted for Mike Pence if I was a US citizen!

10. Trump seeks to prosecute news organisations that oppose him

Trump says he will seek Google's prosecution if he wins election (

11. This speaks for itself

Voices: Is Donald Trump’s ‘Kristallnacht’ speech his most dangerous yet? (

12. I think I already knew this:

'We may in 32 days have a dictator': New warning about Trump from presidential historian (

13. Marje the Cranky, Crackpot, Christian (?) Conspiracy Theorist is at it again,

Marjorie Taylor Greene says ‘they’ control the weather after Hurricane Helene kills 215 in the US (

13. Franklin Graham, another Trump enabler:

Evangelicals for Harris claim Franklin Graham is threatening to sue them (

Friday, August 09, 2024

Eccentric, Cranky, Crackpot, Insane or just Weird?

or twisted & evil?

I have taken the quote below from this website:

So unstable': Morning Joe hosts stunned by 'deranged' Trump's latest conspiracy rant (

This website ("Raw Story") contains a quote lifted from Trump's  TrumpTruthSocial and it seems unlikely they have concocted it. At first I found it difficult to credit it; it suggests that D J Trump is a person completely detached from reality and is making TrumpTruth up as he goes along in order to have something spicy to tell his besotted following......

According to Trump, "What are the chances that Crooked Joe Biden, the WORST President in the history of the U.S., whose Presidency was Unconstitutionally STOLEN from him by Kamabla, Barrack HUSSEIN Obama, Crazy Nancy Pelosi, Shifty Adam Schiff, Cryin’ Chuck Schumer, and others on the Lunatic Left, CRASHES the Democrat National Convention and tries to take back the Nomination, beginning with challenging me to another DEBATE. He feels that he made a historically tragic mistake by handing over the U.S. Presidency, a COUP, to the people in the World he most hates, and he wants it back, NOW!!!

So, assuming this name calling tirade is what Trump has actually committed to the airwaves then any reasonable person would realize that this is the kind of prediction with the risk of being checked at a later stage. But then Trump seems to be the type who lives for the moment and  his following have short memories; also, going on their taste for conspiracy theorism  they too have a tenuous connection with reality. Moreover, if they are presented with the fact-checking of Trump's rhetoric their belief in the quasi-messianic anointing of their leader is so strong that they would likely either dismiss it as mischief making or make allowances for him that they don't make for others.

My reading of the quote above is as follows: Trump has constructed a world that contains only two sorts of people; those who love him and are thoroughly loyal to him and those who aren't and who are therefore bad, bad, bad (whether Republican or not). My guess is that he projects this kind of egocentric thinking onto other people and therefore he has concluded that "Crooked Joe Biden" must be thinking along similar narcissistic/sociopathic lines as Trump himself. Thus, Trump finds it entirely plausible that Crooked Joe is looking to make a vengeful come back after an unconstitutional leadership coup by his enemies in the Democratic party has stolen his presidency (Not unlike Trump's belief in a stolen 2020 election). Trump's psychology is such that he just can't believe the change in the leadership of the Democrats has nothing sinister about it and is simply a case  of putting old Joe deservedly out to grass with old Joe himself, after a life time in politics and suffering from Covid, at last reading the obvious writing on the wall.


Another weird guy is Ken Ham who is very likely to be a Trump voter (and subliminally even a QAnon supporter) and thinks that any one who disagrees with his Biblical literalist organisation (AiG), whether they be Christians or not, must be bad, bad, bad or perhaps even anti-Christ .....

I  once got clobbered by Ken myself and that story can be read here.. 







In the following post Ken Ham warns us against Kamala Harris' support for abortion and also of D J Trump's support for abortion up to 15 weeks. (Trump of course is thinking of his votes).

Fair enough, I also object to abortion. But what Ken will never tell us about are the perversions and lies of "Trump Truth", Trump Conspiracy theorism and Trump's bid to terminate democracy; but then Ken himself is an authoritarian who thrives on spiritual intimidation. I wait in vain for an article from Ken titled What Christians must know about Donald Trump!

Saturday, June 29, 2024

The Big Bad Wolf is Dressed as Granny


A picture of Nigel Farage in bed.
But who is in bed with Nigel?
See the reports below for some answers.

We keep getting news reports of Reform UK's parliamentary candidates & activists making offensive, crypto-fascist, racist or authoritarian statements. See here:

Reform UK drops three candidates over offensive comments - BBC News

Labour and Tories turn fire on Reform UK and Farage (

Sunak says ‘racism stings’ as Farage refuses to apologise for activist’s slur (

Views, News and Pews: The Poisoning of Politics (

To me this signals the kind of people the Trump supporting Nigel Farage is attracting - some very unpleasant people indeed. And note that Nigel, although going through the motions of apparently excommunicating the offenders, still tells people to vote for them.

Interesting Links

1. Meanwhile in America...

I've always had a suspicion that someone like the Putin Supporting Steve Bannon is waiting in wings to take over from the aging and far less intelligent narcissistic showman, Donald Trump. In this connection see this report:

In that article we hear about Bannon's....

Maga army ready to ensure the former president defeats Joe Biden and returns to the White House". 

....and while Bannon is in jail....

"...his show - described as a “military command centre for Maga” - will remain on the air in his absence. He has arranged for other hosts to present the War Room along with all his regular contributors."

If that sounds all ominously jingoistic then here's what'll happen under a Trump administration: 

Law enforcement agencies and the military would all be “brought to account” under a future Trump administration, Bannon said, and President Joe Biden would also face prosecution.

And what if Trump loses the election?....

It is “impossible”, he told me, for Joe Biden to win the election in November. And, therefore, there is no way he or his "Maga army" will accept the result if the president is reelected.

As I've said before, if a Trump/Bannon like dictatorship emerges in America it will likely form a pact with Putin against China. 

Wednesday, June 05, 2024

The Poisoning of Politics


The woman who drenched Nigel Farage with her drink was, rightly, arrested. See hereWhen our politicians are physically assaulted we are on the road to barbarism. Points, lost or won, should be made within the democratic forums. If people feel that the only way to express themselves politically is through physical assault then either the democratic constitution is failing it's populace or the democratic forums are under attack.  In this case I think it's the latter. But I place a good part of the blame on the Trump supporting Nigel Farage who seems to have a knack of raising the emotional temperature of politics by angering and polarising the populace. It's unlikely Farage will see it like this and in common with his friend DJ Trump is so conceited as to present himself as the deserving, even universal, voice of the people and freedom. Farage, like his friend DJ Trump, is a poisoning & subversive influence on politics in the UK; in fact, like Trump, a popularist Sauline figure.


It's a long story as to how I got myself on to the far-right's Townhall mailing list but I thought I'd publish an example of the Trumptripe that comes my way from this quarter. See the example below.  I suspect that these people don't see the implications of what they are affirming with such emphatic confidence. If the system is so rigged & corrupted against them as they claim then this implies America isn't a democracy after all but some kind of criminal crypto-autocracy. Townhall is promoting proto-conspiracy theorism and therefore it is no surprise that the far-right represented by Townhall has in it's midst numerous conspiracy theorists (e.g. QAnon).  But if Townhall is right and the US political system is so corrupt why should I believe that Townhall isn't itself part of the overall banana-republic-like corruption they are describing and is telling lies in order to ease their way to power and perpetuate just more Godfather rule? 

But of course, in my view the corrupt party are Townhall; they are part of DJ Trump's egotistical bid for Godfather power and to this end Townhall are undermining US democracy by doing all they can to sow the seeds of distrust in the workings of the US system of government, its legal system, its media and its high tech industries.

Here is the email I got from Townhall: 



Are you surprised?  WE ARE NOT.

They will silence us all if we let them.
They RIGGED SOCIAL MEDIA so conservatives were silenced.
They RIGGED FACT-CHECKING so they were in charge of the “facts.”
They RIGGED the 2020 ELECTION while everyone was locked down.
They IGNORED STATE ELECTION LAW to make sure President Trump couldn’t win.


We need PATRIOTS like YOU to say, “ENOUGH, I am going to STAND UP FOR THE TRUTH in 2024!"

DEMOCRATS ATTACKED DEMOCRACY but pretended they were its savior.
They RIGGED STATE LAWS to go back in time to trap President Trump and force him to spend millions to defend himself.
They CREATED FOUR FAKE LEGAL CASES to keep President Trump off the campaign trail.
They RIGGED A JURY from one of the most liberal districts in the country — #12 out of 435. 


Townhall can’t fight for your values without your help. The liberals must not be allowed to win. 
If they win, they will 
DESTROY America as we know it. We need your support TODAY.
Soros is getting radical left prosecutors elected all over the country. If the truth isn’t spread, not a single conservative or Republican will be safe. 
The American dream is under attack.
We need you in the fight this year, it’s do or die for America.
We're offering our PATRIOT email subscribers an exclusive special discount. Become a member today and receive 60% off your annual subscription, our biggest discount ever offered… we need to know that you’re willing to fight.
PLEASE don’t abandon the fight now.

Jonathan Garthwaite
Publisher - Townhall Media

The conviction of Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden, (See here) is evidence that the US justice system is still working and gives the lie to the above contention by Townhall  that the American system is dominated by Biden party rigging. The above email is just more far-right poison thrown into the political forum, undermining trust and confidence. It fans the flames of unrest and disaffection. 

Interesting Links

1. Really?

I can't believe this is true...... If it is I'm underestimating Reform UK's capacity to attract evil (and stupid) men. 

Reform candidate says UK should have ‘taken Hitler up on his offer of neutrality’ instead of fighting Nazis (

Just some of the spicy statements from Ian Gribben who is a member of Farage's party "Reform UK".....

A candidate for Nigel Farage’s Reform UK party has claimed the country would have been “far better” off if it had “taken Hitler up on his offer of neutrality” instead of fighting the Nazis.

Ian Gribbin, who is standing in Bexhill and Battle, also wrote online that women were the “sponging gender” and should be “deprived of health care”.

He also described Winston Churchill as “abysmal” and praised Russian president Vladimir Putin, according to the BBC.

Mr Gribbin is reported to have posted on the Unherd website in 2022: “Britain would be in a far better state today had we taken Hitler up on his offer of neutrality … but oh no Britain’s warped mindset values weird notions of international morality rather than looking after its own people.”

The same month he wrote that the UK should “exorcise the cult of Churchill and recognize that in both policy and military strategy, he was abysmal”.

In 2021, he wrote female soldiers “almost made me wretch [sic]” and were a “total liability”.

In the run-up to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, he said that President Putin had “shown a maturity of which we can only dream of”.

"Reform UK" = Crypto-fascist? Let's understand that these highly toxic statements are being made retrospectively in the light (or rather darkness) of what Hitler's fascism went on the "achieve"! If as Nigel Farage says that this is just "pub talk" then it is clear that Gribbin is not a fit voice for parliament. 

2. Farage at it again

Nigel Farage criticised for saying West provoked Ukraine war - BBC News

Typically authoritarian Farage:  "The West provoked Putin", and not as it should be: "A fearful Putin used EU expansion and encroaching democracy as a pretext to build his authoritarian empire".  In any case if countries want to join the democratic West, why can't they Nigel? Do we give in to playground bullies because otherwise we might "provoke them"?

3. It's what's under the surface of Farage's dapper image that is of concern

A crypto-fascist accuses liberals of being fascist:

Nigel Farage agrees with Sandy Hook conspiracy theorist Alex Jones’ rant in resurfaced clip (

In the interview, the Reform UK leader replied to Mr Jones: “Yes, the liberals actually are very illiberal. In fact the liberals have become the very fascists that they try and criticise with their rhetoric.”

“Don’t underestimate how massive the seismic shock of 2016 was: the victory of brexit, the victory of Trump.

“We are winning, but it doesn’t feel like were winning the left and the state are fighting back with all their might.

“If we can resist this politically correct charge, this attempt to stop us thinking and speaking freely, if we can resist that, then our victory actually will be complete.”

4. ....and again? Really?

Reform UK candidate is booed as he tells hustings Putin is 'very good' (

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Prophet Micheal Brown continues to dodge the plot


Although Micheal brown (left) has come out against Trump's
 prophets (middle and right) Brown's prophetic constituency
 is far too Trump oriented for him to dare alienating them.
He's another casualty of Trumpite popularist pressure. 

In this post I'll be commenting on Line-Of-Fire prophet Micheal Brown and what he has written here:

Why My Focus is Not on Donald Trump | Articles | The Line of Fire | Your voice for Moral Sanity and Spiritual Clarity | The Line of Fire   

More of my comments on this prophet can be found using this link:

Views, News and Pews: Micheal Brown and the Elephant in the Room (


Democratic politics has emerged over the course of hundreds of years. Implicitly built into its systems is the understanding that human beings face challenges in coming together as a successful cooperative society; there are fundamental barriers to human harmony and agreement.  These barriers exist largely because human beings are both morally and epistemically challenged: In a world full of zero-sum games humans are apt to put self-interest first and this tendency is exacerbated by the epistemic difficulties in accessing truth. When democratic constitutional arbitration cannot be found societies are liable to gravitate toward authoritarianism as the power hungry, the most influential and above all those who foolishly believe they are virtuous impose their will by duress, threat & coercion. Democracy seeks to help counter the huge gravitational pull of authoritarianism by a system of arbitration where it is hoped that all will agree to work through these systems of arbitration. Underlying democracy is the subliminal assumption of human moral and epistemic fallibility and therefore it follows that public disagreement, mutual criticism and hopefully self-criticism are to be expected as part of the cut and thrust of government. The resolution of these inevitable contentions is the job of the agreed democratic constitution, procedures & law, on which it is hoped all will agree, but if not will seek reform via consensual channels. 

If human beings can't agree on a system of arbitration, then democracy breaks down. This breakdown may start with Marxist or Fascist influencers & agitators, during times of social and political trauma, throwing doubt on whether a democratic system is really in the best interests of the popular will. From the Marxist and Fascist perspective, the system is far too corrupt for reform and therefore the underlying Marxist & Fascist goal is the complete overthrow of the institutions of the Democratic status quo in favour of their proprietary and radical vision of government (which, I submit, is likely to be an effective dictatorship). As I have tendered more than once on this blog it seems that we have a substantial threat to democracy in the US in the form of the Godfather politics of Donald Trump and the far-right in general. Since Trump has appeared on the scene demonisation of the opposition and coercive threats have become the norm. He has made threats toward those in those in the legal system who do not decide in his favour and some of the Trump supporting AR15 armed militias have threatened gun violence if Trump isn't elected. Naturally enough once this kind of wagon gets rolling the Trump opposition are liable to respond in kind, resulting in a vicious circle. The situation has become polarised to the extent that trust in US democracy is at a low ebb, and it is therefore under threat. 

When Trump legally became president in 2016 I looked askance at this brash and rude unconventional candidate; I certainly wouldn't have voted for himself myself, but I didn't think US democracy was threatened. But there were some warning signs even then: In the face of evidence to the contrary Trump denied that Hilary Clinton got the popular vote and he also denied that his inauguration ceremony was poorly attended. Was this evidence of his need to feed his ego? It soon became apparent that this man was an out and out liar and a propagator of blame and conspiracy theories as he sought to demonize the classes of people who opposed him; even those in his own party. He was a narcissist, possibly a sociopath who loved power and saw the world as containing only two types of people; namely, those for him and those against him. Whether or not they were Republicans, whether or not they held liberal or conservative values was irrelevant: What simply mattered to him is this: Are they loyal Trumpites? 

Although evangelical prophet Micheal Brown wrote articles which provide evidence for the very view of Trump I have sketched out above he has recently written an article where once again he has failed to acknowledge that the big issue is NOT the political tug of war between liberals and conservatives carried out within a democratic system which seeks to reform itself;  rather it is the self-interested up-and-coming far-right Trumpite demagogues such as the shrewd Steve Bannon and cranks like Alex Jones, Marjorie Taylor-Greene and Trey Smith all of whom are seeking to overthrow the system regardless of whether the American government is in the hands of reasonable conservatives or reasonable liberals; the latter are liable to be labeled as far too "Woke" or even "radical leftists". Trumpites will of course deny they are trying to overthrow democracy, blaming the other side for the socialist nazification of society; but then that sounds like the sort of line we hear from a certain Vladamir Putin, the modern Czar of Russia.

Below I'll go through Micheal's article which is typical of his prevaricating stance. 


MICHEAL: This article is not intended to influence how you vote on Tuesday, November 5, nor is it intended to influence how you view former president Donald Trump. Instead, it is to help you keep a godly, faith-filled, and sane perspective in the months leading up to Election Day, since things could get pretty crazy before then.

MY COMMENT: In short Michael is washing his hands of the Trump/fascist question. He affects to see no connection between challenging Trump's Godfather politics and being sane, godly and faith-filled. "Not intended to influence how you vote"? What's voting got to do with it if Trumpites deny the validity of any election in which Trump loses?


MICHEALDuring his presidency, Trump was sometimes called the “great disrupter” (or, “disruptor.”) If things got dull, even for a moment, he was sure to stir them up. As stated in an October 2018 article on The Hill by Thomas Hicks Jr. and Curtis Ellis, “President Trump — the Great Disruptor who is challenging the premises and practices that all the Serious People tell us are immutable — is disrupting business-as-usual in Washington, New York, Geneva, Brussels and Beijing.” For his supporters, this was great news. For his detractors, it was a disaster. Either way, the Trump presidency was anything but a time of peace and calm, a maintaining of the status quo. That’s why Trump was also likened to a whirlwind, generating headlines like this one, posted on Yahoo News in May 2017: “To Evangelicals, Trump is The Whirlwind. And they’re fine with that.”

MY COMMENT: Micheal is clearly aware that something has changed fundamentally in American politics and that this change has come about since Trump appeared on the scene; that I would certainly agree with! Without doubt Trump is a disruptor and challenges the premises and practices of the political status quo: In fact, he considers its institutions to be the swamp that he once vowed to drain. But let's not glorify Trump as a radical; he doesn't sound like a reformer but more like someone seeking to overthrow the status quo that he loudly claims to be corrupt. So, what do we conclude? That Trump is right and that the American system is a corrupt conspiracy and Trump is its savoir? But then in that case why should Trump be regarded himself as anything other than an aspect of that corruption and conspiracy? 

A democratic system is a system which changes by review, open criticism and incremental reform carried out through recognized channels and not by revolution. So, either the American system is after all an autocracy of hidden conspirators and deserves a Trump revolution or Trump is out to overthrow what is actually a democracy and replace it with authoritarian Godfather politics. I think the latter is most likely. As Trump's son said, the Republican party is now "The Trump Party", so is the USA's next step for it to become "The Trump Country"? Is that what the disruption is all about?


MICHEALOpinions about Trump became so polarized that I wrote an article in October 2018 titled, “Donald Trump is Not the Christ and Donald Trump is Not the Antichrist.”. I was reminded of this when a colleague sent me a 2023 YouTube video claiming to present, “15 Bible Verses That Identify Donald J. Trump as the Antichrist.” At present, the video has more than 533,000 views.This stands in stark contrast to the 2022 book President Donald J. Trump, The Son of Man - The Christ.

And those who are undecided, there is also the 2023 book Donald Trump Servant of Jesus Christ or...of satan?: Have we been deceived? Judge for yourself!

MY COMMENT: Trump "Not the Christ and Not the Antichrist"? You're using a strawman argument Micheal!  My theory is that Trump is a potential up-and-coming common-or-garden self-glorifying dictator.  In dabbling in hyperbolic theological strawmen, Micheal has become distracted and fails to draw the conclusion that the highly polarized reaction which has attached itself to Trump in particular is evidence of a political system which has taken a dysfunctional turn. This is not American politics as it used to be. Demonisation of the opposition and legal threats and even threats of violent coercion is the new normal. But let's be clear, this started with Donald Trump as a reaction to his conspiracy theories, his unprecedented attacks on electoral procedures, the media and any judges or persons who return decisions he doesn't like.  But Micheal isn't going to take sides: He is washing his hands of judgement, as if all sides are bad as one another and therefore he need not comment. He refuses to see the cuckoo which has made its home in the USA's political nest.


MICHEAL:  Added to this are the threats from some Democratic leaders “that they might not certify the 2024 presidential election results if former President Donald Trump wins,” and it is easy to see how chaos could erupt at any moment. This means that the next 8 months (and perhaps those immediately following too) will be marked by election fever on steroids. “If Trump wins the election,” one side warns us sternly, “there will be a civil war.” “If Trump loses the election,” the other side counters forcefully, “there will be a civil war.” Either way, according to some, here comes a civil war. Then there are the concerns about the health and mental acuity of both likely candidates, President Biden and Donald Trump, along with declared and potential third-party candidates, not to mention other, potential legal battles the two principal candidates will face.

MY COMMENT: Like I've already said, at least some of those opposing Trump are reacting in kind and the polarization is now a self-reinforcing feedback system.  But notice how Michael has dwelt on this anti-Trump reaction more than her has the response of Trump supporters.....He wants to keep his Trump supporter base sweet! And again, Micheal is making it sound as if the problem is equally on both sides of the political divide and he is therefore failing to do justice to the fundamental asymmetry here: For on Micheal's own admission Trump is the new radical dimension in the recent turn American politics has taken; Viz: Trump, the great whirlwind who is challenging the premises and practices that all the Serious People tell us are immutable — is disrupting business-as-usualToo right! If someone comes on the scene saying that those populating the institutions of society, political, media, judiciary, military, administration, and high-tech industry etc. are "woke leftist" operators helping to destroy America it is clear that this is no business-as-usual election but an attempt to bring on a revolution of some kind (Ironically Marxists will also claim our institutions are corrupted, but in their case, they will claim that this corruption is caused by the vested interests of the owning classes). And yet here it suits Micheal's purposes to paint a picture of symmetry between Democrats and the "Trump party". This is his excuse to ignore the elephant in the room.


MICHEAL: The media will have a field day with this, as will social media influencers weighing in with the latest click bait video. Here comes wall-to-wall madness. Here comes turmoil by the hour. Here comes non-stop agitation. And I have not mentioned the endless polling, often designed to influence as much as inform – if not simply to inflame.  That’s why neither Donald Trump nor the elections are going to be my primary focus in the months ahead.That’s why, by God’s grace, I’m not going to allow anything outside of me to steal my peace or take my eyes off the Lord or get me off my mission......And unless we are called to political action, to getting out the vote or campaigning or fundraising or educating, we do best to focus our attention on things that build us up spiritually, strengthen us emotionally, and fortify us morally. We can pray for justice in the courts and a fair and free election. .....we do best to focus on ways to unite us around Jesus rather than divide us over a candidate.

MY COMMENT: I don't think in this case we can afford to ignore the media as if the "Trump party" controversy is just another over hyped storm in a teacup that will generate plenty of web-clicks. To hint that what Micheal calls wall-to-wall madness may be all just a media jamboree is unfair, and of course plays into the hands of the "Trump Party" who accuse the media of being "woke" and/or "corrupt" when it doesn't come out on their side (The "Trump Party" show signs that they may well be seeking to by-pass and/or control the media). Many in the media express my own concerns about the direction the so called "disrupting whirlwind" is taking us. Many media pundits are far more serious writers than just click baiters and should not all be written off so glibly - although that write-off no doubt pleases Micheal's Trump supporter base. I'm sure the "Trump Party" would thank Micheal for his unbalanced depiction of the media. 

Let us recall again that Micheal's supporting constituency will consist of large numbers of Trumpites who he can't afford to alienate. Instead, as we've seen above, he has described Trump in terms that glorify him as a heroic disruptor and whirlwind, questioning the very assumptions of Western democracy. In this sense Michael has effectively help support Trump in his mission to Trumpify the US just as he has Trumpified the Republican party. In this connection I see no radically different departure from a good fashioned authoritarian and would-be dictator making a classic grab for power via blame, conspiracy theories, demonisation and telling supporters what they what want to hear.  The Bible warns us against populist movements that seek a dictator to rule them (See 1 Samuel 8: 7-18). The 2024 election will not be a case of voting in a Kennedy, a Ronald Reagan, a Bill Clinton, a George Bush or, and I wish to God it was, a Mike Pence or a Nikki Haley.  The US isn't being presented with a straight a choice between Republicanism or The Democrats, a choice between conservatism and liberalism. Rather it's a choice between the freedoms of democracy and the style-over-content of a would-be-King Saul and his Godfather administration. Moreover, Trump is exploiting and corrupting Christianity at the same time. For example, he has clearly dumbed down Dr. Brown's own ministry almost making it another casualty of his campaign to be ruling dictator. One of Trump's worst acts is his attempt to enlist Christianity for his cause; the same sin as that of Russia's modern Czar, Vladimir Putin. 


In the above quote we hear that Micheal, for good reason, isn't going to make either Trump or the 2024 elections his primary focus. I agree, there is no reason for him to take the focus off his ministry in favour of polarised US politics. But what he has failed to do is condemn the would-be Godfather of America, Donald J. Trump and his sycophantic followers; instead, Michael's words, if anything, have glorified this man perhaps with a cynical eye on his need to keep Trump supporters on board with his ministry. He has abdicated his duty with the excuses of an affected stance of impartiality and of being lost in the pious reverie of his holy Christian work. 


1. Social Causes of US Trump Popularism?

Book Review: Strangers in their Own Land: Anger and Mourning on the American Right by Arlie Russell Hochschild | LSE Review of Books

2. Some more material from Doc Brown

The Programming of AI and the Indoctrinating of Our Children | Articles | The Line of Fire | Your voice for Moral Sanity and Spiritual Clarity | The Line of Fire

Enough Already with the Trump Prophecies! | Articles | The Line of Fire | Your voice for Moral Sanity and Spiritual Clarity | The Line of Fire

But see here....

We ‘messed up’ with black Nazi blunder, Google co-founder admits (

3. Worth looking into:

Donald Trump 'trying to instill culture of violence, lawlessness and mob rule' to reclaim White House (

4. Far-right Christian nationalism is undermining democracy as well as Christianity itself.

‘Demolishing democracy’: how much danger does Christian nationalism pose? (

5. I'm on Rees-Mogg's side here and that's saying something!

Unacceptable harassment’ of Rees-Mogg criticised after protesters hound the MP (