Wednesday, June 05, 2024

The Poisoning of Politics


The woman who drenched Nigel Farage with her drink was, rightly, arrested. See hereWhen our politicians are physically assaulted we are on the road to barbarism. Points, lost or won, should be made within the democratic forums. If people feel that the only way to express themselves politically is through physical assault then either the democratic constitution is failing it's populace or the democratic forums are under attack.  In this case I think it's the latter. But I place a good part of the blame on the Trump supporting Nigel Farage who seems to have a knack of raising the emotional temperature of politics by angering and polarising the populace. It's unlikely Farage will see it like this and in common with his friend DJ Trump is so conceited as to present himself as the deserving, even universal, voice of the people and freedom. Farage, like his friend DJ Trump, is a poisoning & subversive influence on politics in the UK; in fact, like Trump, a popularist Sauline figure.


It's a long story as to how I got myself on to the far-right's Townhall mailing list but I thought I'd publish an example of the Trumptripe that comes my way from this quarter. See the example below.  I suspect that these people don't see the implications of what they are affirming with such emphatic confidence. If the system is so rigged & corrupted against them as they claim then this implies America isn't a democracy after all but some kind of criminal crypto-autocracy. Townhall is promoting proto-conspiracy theorism and therefore it is no surprise that the far-right represented by Townhall has in it's midst numerous conspiracy theorists (e.g. QAnon).  But if Townhall is right and the US political system is so corrupt why should I believe that Townhall isn't itself part of the overall banana-republic-like corruption they are describing and is telling lies in order to ease their way to power and perpetuate just more Godfather rule? 

But of course, in my view the corrupt party are Townhall; they are part of DJ Trump's egotistical bid for Godfather power and to this end Townhall are undermining US democracy by doing all they can to sow the seeds of distrust in the workings of the US system of government, its legal system, its media and its high tech industries.

Here is the email I got from Townhall: 



Are you surprised?  WE ARE NOT.

They will silence us all if we let them.
They RIGGED SOCIAL MEDIA so conservatives were silenced.
They RIGGED FACT-CHECKING so they were in charge of the “facts.”
They RIGGED the 2020 ELECTION while everyone was locked down.
They IGNORED STATE ELECTION LAW to make sure President Trump couldn’t win.


We need PATRIOTS like YOU to say, “ENOUGH, I am going to STAND UP FOR THE TRUTH in 2024!"

DEMOCRATS ATTACKED DEMOCRACY but pretended they were its savior.
They RIGGED STATE LAWS to go back in time to trap President Trump and force him to spend millions to defend himself.
They CREATED FOUR FAKE LEGAL CASES to keep President Trump off the campaign trail.
They RIGGED A JURY from one of the most liberal districts in the country — #12 out of 435. 


Townhall can’t fight for your values without your help. The liberals must not be allowed to win. 
If they win, they will 
DESTROY America as we know it. We need your support TODAY.
Soros is getting radical left prosecutors elected all over the country. If the truth isn’t spread, not a single conservative or Republican will be safe. 
The American dream is under attack.
We need you in the fight this year, it’s do or die for America.
We're offering our PATRIOT email subscribers an exclusive special discount. Become a member today and receive 60% off your annual subscription, our biggest discount ever offered… we need to know that you’re willing to fight.
PLEASE don’t abandon the fight now.

Jonathan Garthwaite
Publisher - Townhall Media

The conviction of Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden, (See here) is evidence that the US justice system is still working and gives the lie to the above contention by Townhall  that the American system is dominated by Biden party rigging. The above email is just more far-right poison thrown into the political forum, undermining trust and confidence. It fans the flames of unrest and disaffection. 

Interesting Links

1. Really?

I can't believe this is true...... If it is I'm underestimating Reform UK's capacity to attract evil (and stupid) men. 

Reform candidate says UK should have ‘taken Hitler up on his offer of neutrality’ instead of fighting Nazis (

Just some of the spicy statements from Ian Gribben who is a member of Farage's party "Reform UK".....

A candidate for Nigel Farage’s Reform UK party has claimed the country would have been “far better” off if it had “taken Hitler up on his offer of neutrality” instead of fighting the Nazis.

Ian Gribbin, who is standing in Bexhill and Battle, also wrote online that women were the “sponging gender” and should be “deprived of health care”.

He also described Winston Churchill as “abysmal” and praised Russian president Vladimir Putin, according to the BBC.

Mr Gribbin is reported to have posted on the Unherd website in 2022: “Britain would be in a far better state today had we taken Hitler up on his offer of neutrality … but oh no Britain’s warped mindset values weird notions of international morality rather than looking after its own people.”

The same month he wrote that the UK should “exorcise the cult of Churchill and recognize that in both policy and military strategy, he was abysmal”.

In 2021, he wrote female soldiers “almost made me wretch [sic]” and were a “total liability”.

In the run-up to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, he said that President Putin had “shown a maturity of which we can only dream of”.

"Reform UK" = Crypto-fascist? Let's understand that these highly toxic statements are being made retrospectively in the light (or rather darkness) of what Hitler's fascism went on the "achieve"! If as Nigel Farage says that this is just "pub talk" then it is clear that Gribbin is not a fit voice for parliament. 

2. Farage at it again

Nigel Farage criticised for saying West provoked Ukraine war - BBC News

Typically authoritarian Farage:  "The West provoked Putin", and not as it should be: "A fearful Putin used EU expansion and encroaching democracy as a pretext to build his authoritarian empire".  In any case if countries want to join the democratic West, why can't they Nigel? Do we give in to playground bullies because otherwise we might "provoke them"?

3. It's what's under the surface of Farage's dapper image that is of concern

A crypto-fascist accuses liberals of being fascist:

Nigel Farage agrees with Sandy Hook conspiracy theorist Alex Jones’ rant in resurfaced clip (

In the interview, the Reform UK leader replied to Mr Jones: “Yes, the liberals actually are very illiberal. In fact the liberals have become the very fascists that they try and criticise with their rhetoric.”

“Don’t underestimate how massive the seismic shock of 2016 was: the victory of brexit, the victory of Trump.

“We are winning, but it doesn’t feel like were winning the left and the state are fighting back with all their might.

“If we can resist this politically correct charge, this attempt to stop us thinking and speaking freely, if we can resist that, then our victory actually will be complete.”

4. ....and again? Really?

Reform UK candidate is booed as he tells hustings Putin is 'very good' (

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